Interface Permissible

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractArrow, AbstractHorse, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, Ageable, Ambient, Animals, AreaEffectCloud, ArmorStand, Arrow, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, BlockCommandSender, Boat, Boss, Breedable, Cat, CaveSpider, ChestedHorse, Chicken, Cod, CommandMinecart, CommandSender, ComplexEntityPart, ComplexLivingEntity, ConsoleCommandSender, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Damageable, Dolphin, Donkey, DragonFireball, Drowned, Egg, ElderGuardian, EnderCrystal, EnderDragon, EnderDragonPart, Enderman, Endermite, EnderPearl, EnderSignal, Entity, Evoker, EvokerFangs, ExperienceOrb, Explosive, ExplosiveMinecart, FallingBlock, Fireball, Firework, Fish, FishHook, Flying, Fox, Ghast, Giant, GlowItemFrame, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, Guardian, Hanging, Hoglin, HopperMinecart, Horse, HumanEntity, Husk, Illager, Illusioner, IronGolem, Item, ItemFrame, LargeFireball, LeashHitch, LightningStrike, LingeringPotion, LivingEntity, Llama, LlamaSpit, MagmaCube, Marker, MessageCommandSender, Minecart, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, NPC, Ocelot, Painting, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinAbstract, PiglinBrute, PigZombie, Pillager, Player, PolarBear, PoweredMinecart, Projectile, ProxiedCommandSender, PufferFish, Rabbit, Raider, RangedEntity, Ravager, RemoteConsoleCommandSender, RideableMinecart, Salmon, Sheep, Shulker, ShulkerBullet, Silverfish, SizedFireball, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, SmallFireball, Snowball, Snowman, SpawnerMinecart, SpectralArrow, Spellcaster, Spider, SplashPotion, Squid, Steerable, StorageMinecart, Stray, Strider, Tameable, ThrowableProjectile, ThrownExpBottle, ThrownPotion, TippedArrow, TNTPrimed, TraderLlama, Trident, TropicalFish, Turtle, Vehicle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, WaterMob, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, WitherSkull, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferedCommandSender, PermissibleBase, TimingsReportListener

public interface Permissible extends ServerOperator
Represents an object that may be assigned permissions
  • Method Details

    • isPermissionSet

      boolean isPermissionSet(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
      Checks if this object contains an override for the specified permission, by fully qualified name
      name - Name of the permission
      true if the permission is set, otherwise false
    • isPermissionSet

      boolean isPermissionSet(@NotNull @NotNull Permission perm)
      Checks if this object contains an override for the specified Permission
      perm - Permission to check
      true if the permission is set, otherwise false
    • hasPermission

      boolean hasPermission(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
      Gets the value of the specified permission, if set.

      If a permission override is not set on this object, the default value of the permission will be returned.

      name - Name of the permission
      Value of the permission
    • hasPermission

      boolean hasPermission(@NotNull @NotNull Permission perm)
      Gets the value of the specified permission, if set.

      If a permission override is not set on this object, the default value of the permission will be returned

      perm - Permission to get
      Value of the permission
    • addAttachment

      @NotNull @NotNull PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull String name, boolean value)
      Adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      name - Name of the permission to attach
      value - Value of the permission
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      Adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      @Nullable @Nullable PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull String name, boolean value, int ticks)
      Temporarily adds a new PermissionAttachment with a single permission by name and value
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      name - Name of the permission to attach
      value - Value of the permission
      ticks - Amount of ticks to automatically remove this attachment after
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • addAttachment

      @Nullable @Nullable PermissionAttachment addAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, int ticks)
      Temporarily adds a new empty PermissionAttachment to this object
      plugin - Plugin responsible for this attachment, may not be null or disabled
      ticks - Amount of ticks to automatically remove this attachment after
      The PermissionAttachment that was just created
    • removeAttachment

      void removeAttachment(@NotNull @NotNull PermissionAttachment attachment)
      Removes the given PermissionAttachment from this object
      attachment - Attachment to remove
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the specified attachment isn't part of this object
    • recalculatePermissions

      void recalculatePermissions()
      Recalculates the permissions for this object, if the attachments have changed values.

      This should very rarely need to be called from a plugin.

    • getEffectivePermissions

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<PermissionAttachmentInfo> getEffectivePermissions()
      Gets a set containing all of the permissions currently in effect by this object
      Set of currently effective permissions