Interface LivingEntity

All Superinterfaces:
Attributable, net.kyori.adventure.audience.Audience, CommandSender, Damageable, Entity, net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource<net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, net.kyori.adventure.pointer.Pointered, ProjectileSource, ServerOperator
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractHorse, AbstractSkeleton, AbstractVillager, Ageable, Ambient, Animals, ArmorStand, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Blaze, Breedable, Cat, CaveSpider, ChestedHorse, Chicken, Cod, ComplexLivingEntity, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Dolphin, Donkey, Drowned, ElderGuardian, EnderDragon, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Fish, Flying, Fox, Ghast, Giant, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, Guardian, Hoglin, Horse, HumanEntity, Husk, Illager, Illusioner, IronGolem, Llama, MagmaCube, Mob, Monster, Mule, MushroomCow, NPC, Ocelot, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinAbstract, PiglinBrute, PigZombie, Pillager, Player, PolarBear, PufferFish, Rabbit, Raider, RangedEntity, Ravager, Salmon, Sheep, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Slime, Snowman, Spellcaster, Spider, Squid, Steerable, Stray, Strider, Tameable, TraderLlama, TropicalFish, Turtle, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, WaterMob, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, Wolf, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager

public interface LivingEntity extends Attributable, Damageable, ProjectileSource
Represents a living entity, such as a monster or player
  • Method Details

    • getEyeHeight

      double getEyeHeight()
      Gets the height of the living entity's eyes above its Location.
      height of the living entity's eyes above its location
    • getEyeHeight

      double getEyeHeight(boolean ignorePose)
      Gets the height of the living entity's eyes above its Location.
      ignorePose - if set to true, the effects of pose changes, eg sneaking and gliding will be ignored
      height of the living entity's eyes above its location
    • getEyeLocation

      @NotNull @NotNull Location getEyeLocation()
      Get a Location detailing the current eye position of the living entity.
      a location at the eyes of the living entity
    • getLineOfSight

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Block> getLineOfSight(@Nullable @Nullable Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
      Gets all blocks along the living entity's line of sight.

      This list contains all blocks from the living entity's eye position to target inclusive. This method considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.

      transparent - Set containing all transparent block Materials (set to null for only air)
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan (may be limited by server by at least 100 blocks, no less)
      list containing all blocks along the living entity's line of sight
    • getTargetBlock

      @NotNull @NotNull Block getTargetBlock(@Nullable @Nullable Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
      Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.

      This method considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size. To take exact block collision shapes into account, see getTargetBlockExact(int, FluidCollisionMode).

      transparent - Set containing all transparent block Materials (set to null for only air)
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan (may be limited by server by at least 100 blocks, no less)
      block that the living entity has targeted
    • getTargetBlock

      @Nullable default @Nullable Block getTargetBlock(int maxDistance)
      Gets the block that the living entity has targeted, ignoring fluids
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      block that the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is within maxDistance
    • getTargetBlock

      @Nullable @Nullable Block getTargetBlock(int maxDistance, @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode fluidMode)
      Gets the block that the living entity has targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      fluidMode - whether to check fluids or not
      block that the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is within maxDistance
    • getTargetBlockFace

      @Nullable default BlockFace getTargetBlockFace(int maxDistance)
      Gets the blockface of that block that the living entity has targeted, ignoring fluids
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      blockface of the block that the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is targeted
    • getTargetBlockFace

      @Nullable BlockFace getTargetBlockFace(int maxDistance, @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode fluidMode)
      Gets the blockface of that block that the living entity has targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      fluidMode - whether to check fluids or not
      blockface of the block that the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is targeted
    • getTargetBlockInfo

      @Nullable default TargetBlockInfo getTargetBlockInfo(int maxDistance)
      Gets information about the block the living entity has targeted, ignoring fluids
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      TargetBlockInfo about the block the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is targeted
    • getTargetBlockInfo

      @Nullable TargetBlockInfo getTargetBlockInfo(int maxDistance, @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode fluidMode)
      Gets information about the block the living entity has targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      fluidMode - whether to check fluids or not
      TargetBlockInfo about the block the living entity has targeted, or null if no block is targeted
    • getTargetEntity

      @Nullable default @Nullable Entity getTargetEntity(int maxDistance)
      Gets information about the entity being targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      entity being targeted, or null if no entity is targeted
    • getTargetEntity

      @Nullable @Nullable Entity getTargetEntity(int maxDistance, boolean ignoreBlocks)
      Gets information about the entity being targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      ignoreBlocks - true to scan through blocks
      entity being targeted, or null if no entity is targeted
    • getTargetEntityInfo

      @Nullable default TargetEntityInfo getTargetEntityInfo(int maxDistance)
      Gets information about the entity being targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      TargetEntityInfo about the entity being targeted, or null if no entity is targeted
    • getTargetEntityInfo

      @Nullable TargetEntityInfo getTargetEntityInfo(int maxDistance, boolean ignoreBlocks)
      Gets information about the entity being targeted
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan
      ignoreBlocks - true to scan through blocks
      TargetEntityInfo about the entity being targeted, or null if no entity is targeted
    • getLastTwoTargetBlocks

      @NotNull @NotNull List<Block> getLastTwoTargetBlocks(@Nullable @Nullable Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)
      Gets the last two blocks along the living entity's line of sight.

      The target block will be the last block in the list. This method considers all blocks as 1x1x1 in size.

      transparent - Set containing all transparent block Materials (set to null for only air)
      maxDistance - this is the maximum distance to scan. This may be further limited by the server, but never to less than 100 blocks
      list containing the last 2 blocks along the living entity's line of sight
    • getTargetBlockExact

      @Nullable @Nullable Block getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance)
      Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.

      This takes the blocks' precise collision shapes into account. Fluids are ignored.

      This may cause loading of chunks! Some implementations may impose artificial restrictions on the maximum distance.

      maxDistance - the maximum distance to scan
      block that the living entity has targeted
      See Also:
      getTargetBlockExact(int, org.bukkit.FluidCollisionMode)
    • getTargetBlockExact

      @Nullable @Nullable Block getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance, @NotNull @NotNull FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)
      Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.

      This takes the blocks' precise collision shapes into account.

      This may cause loading of chunks! Some implementations may impose artificial restrictions on the maximum distance.

      maxDistance - the maximum distance to scan
      fluidCollisionMode - the fluid collision mode
      block that the living entity has targeted
      See Also:
      rayTraceBlocks(double, FluidCollisionMode)
    • rayTraceBlocks

      @Nullable @Nullable RayTraceResult rayTraceBlocks(double maxDistance)
      Performs a ray trace that provides information on the targeted block.

      This takes the blocks' precise collision shapes into account. Fluids are ignored.

      This may cause loading of chunks! Some implementations may impose artificial restrictions on the maximum distance.

      maxDistance - the maximum distance to scan
      information on the targeted block, or null if there is no targeted block in range
      See Also:
      rayTraceBlocks(double, FluidCollisionMode)
    • rayTraceBlocks

      @Nullable @Nullable RayTraceResult rayTraceBlocks(double maxDistance, @NotNull @NotNull FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)
      Performs a ray trace that provides information on the targeted block.

      This takes the blocks' precise collision shapes into account.

      This may cause loading of chunks! Some implementations may impose artificial restrictions on the maximum distance.

      maxDistance - the maximum distance to scan
      fluidCollisionMode - the fluid collision mode
      information on the targeted block, or null if there is no targeted block in range
      See Also:
      World.rayTraceBlocks(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode)
    • getRemainingAir

      int getRemainingAir()
      Returns the amount of air that the living entity has remaining, in ticks.
      amount of air remaining
    • setRemainingAir

      void setRemainingAir(int ticks)
      Sets the amount of air that the living entity has remaining, in ticks.
      ticks - amount of air remaining
    • getMaximumAir

      int getMaximumAir()
      Returns the maximum amount of air the living entity can have, in ticks.
      maximum amount of air
    • setMaximumAir

      void setMaximumAir(int ticks)
      Sets the maximum amount of air the living entity can have, in ticks.
      ticks - maximum amount of air
    • getArrowCooldown

      int getArrowCooldown()
      Gets the time in ticks until the next arrow leaves the entity's body.
      ticks until arrow leaves
    • setArrowCooldown

      void setArrowCooldown(int ticks)
      Sets the time in ticks until the next arrow leaves the entity's body.
      ticks - time until arrow leaves
    • getArrowsInBody

      int getArrowsInBody()
      Gets the amount of arrows in an entity's body.
      amount of arrows in body
    • setArrowsInBody

      void setArrowsInBody(int count)
      Set the amount of arrows in the entity's body.
      count - amount of arrows in entity's body
    • getMaximumNoDamageTicks

      int getMaximumNoDamageTicks()
      Returns the living entity's current maximum no damage ticks.

      This is the maximum duration in which the living entity will not take damage.

      maximum no damage ticks
    • setMaximumNoDamageTicks

      void setMaximumNoDamageTicks(int ticks)
      Sets the living entity's current maximum no damage ticks.
      ticks - maximum amount of no damage ticks
    • getLastDamage

      double getLastDamage()
      Returns the living entity's last damage taken in the current no damage ticks time.

      Only damage higher than this amount will further damage the living entity.

      damage taken since the last no damage ticks time period
    • setLastDamage

      void setLastDamage(double damage)
      Sets the damage dealt within the current no damage ticks time period.
      damage - amount of damage
    • getNoDamageTicks

      int getNoDamageTicks()
      Returns the living entity's current no damage ticks.
      amount of no damage ticks
    • setNoDamageTicks

      void setNoDamageTicks(int ticks)
      Sets the living entity's current no damage ticks.
      ticks - amount of no damage ticks
    • getKiller

      Gets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.

      May be null.

      killer player, or null if none found
    • setKiller

      void setKiller(@Nullable @Nullable Player killer)
      Sets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.
      killer - player
    • addPotionEffect

      boolean addPotionEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect)
      Adds the given PotionEffect to the living entity.
      effect - PotionEffect to be added
      whether the effect could be added
    • addPotionEffect

      @Deprecated boolean addPotionEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffect effect, boolean force)
      no need to force since multiple effects of the same type are now supported.
      Adds the given PotionEffect to the living entity.

      Only one potion effect can be present for a given PotionEffectType.

      effect - PotionEffect to be added
      force - whether conflicting effects should be removed
      whether the effect could be added
    • addPotionEffects

      boolean addPotionEffects(@NotNull @NotNull Collection<PotionEffect> effects)
      Attempts to add all of the given PotionEffect to the living entity.
      effects - the effects to add
      whether all of the effects could be added
    • hasPotionEffect

      boolean hasPotionEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffectType type)
      Returns whether the living entity already has an existing effect of the given PotionEffectType applied to it.
      type - the potion type to check
      whether the living entity has this potion effect active on them
    • getPotionEffect

      Returns the active PotionEffect of the specified type.

      If the effect is not present on the entity then null will be returned.

      type - the potion type to check
      the effect active on this entity, or null if not active.
    • removePotionEffect

      void removePotionEffect(@NotNull @NotNull PotionEffectType type)
      Removes any effects present of the given PotionEffectType.
      type - the potion type to remove
    • getActivePotionEffects

      @NotNull @NotNull Collection<PotionEffect> getActivePotionEffects()
      Returns all currently active PotionEffects on the living entity.
      a collection of PotionEffects
    • hasLineOfSight

      boolean hasLineOfSight(@NotNull @NotNull Entity other)
      Checks whether the living entity has block line of sight to another.

      This uses the same algorithm that hostile mobs use to find the closest player.

      other - the entity to determine line of sight to
      true if there is a line of sight, false if not
    • hasLineOfSight

      boolean hasLineOfSight(@NotNull @NotNull Location location)
      Checks whether the living entity has block line of sight to the given block.

      This uses the same algorithm that hostile mobs use to find the closest player.

      location - the location to determine line of sight to
      true if there is a line of sight, false if not
    • getRemoveWhenFarAway

      boolean getRemoveWhenFarAway()
      Returns if the living entity despawns when away from players or not.

      By default, animals are not removed while other mobs are.

      true if the living entity is removed when away from players
    • setRemoveWhenFarAway

      void setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean remove)
      Sets whether or not the living entity despawns when away from players or not.
      remove - the removal status
    • getEquipment

      Gets the inventory with the equipment worn by the living entity.
      the living entity's inventory
    • setCanPickupItems

      void setCanPickupItems(boolean pickup)
      Sets whether or not the living entity can pick up items.
      pickup - whether or not the living entity can pick up items
    • getCanPickupItems

      boolean getCanPickupItems()
      Gets if the living entity can pick up items.
      whether or not the living entity can pick up items
    • isLeashed

      boolean isLeashed()
      Returns whether the entity is currently leashed.
      whether the entity is leashed
    • getLeashHolder

      Gets the entity that is currently leading this entity.
      the entity holding the leash
      IllegalStateException - if not currently leashed
    • setLeashHolder

      boolean setLeashHolder(@Nullable @Nullable Entity holder)
      Sets the leash on this entity to be held by the supplied entity.

      This method has no effect on EnderDragons, Withers, Players, or Bats. Non-living entities excluding leashes will not persist as leash holders.

      holder - the entity to leash this entity to, or null to unleash
      whether the operation was successful
    • isGliding

      boolean isGliding()
      Checks to see if an entity is gliding, such as using an Elytra.
      True if this entity is gliding.
    • setGliding

      void setGliding(boolean gliding)
      Makes entity start or stop gliding. This will work even if an Elytra is not equipped, but will be reverted by the server immediately after unless an event-cancelling mechanism is put in place.
      gliding - True if the entity is gliding.
    • isSwimming

      boolean isSwimming()
      Checks to see if an entity is swimming.
      True if this entity is swimming.
    • setSwimming

      void setSwimming(boolean swimming)
      Makes entity start or stop swimming. This may have unexpected results if the entity is not in water.
      swimming - True if the entity is swimming.
    • isRiptiding

      boolean isRiptiding()
      Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.
      True if this entity is currently riptiding.
    • isSleeping

      boolean isSleeping()
      Returns whether this entity is slumbering.
      slumber state
    • isClimbing

      boolean isClimbing()
      Gets if the entity is climbing.
      if the entity is climbing
    • setAI

      void setAI(boolean ai)
      Sets whether an entity will have AI. The entity will be completely unable to move if it has no AI.
      ai - whether the mob will have AI or not.
    • hasAI

      boolean hasAI()
      Checks whether an entity has AI. The entity will be completely unable to move if it has no AI.
      true if the entity has AI, otherwise false.
    • attack

      void attack(@NotNull @NotNull Entity target)
      Makes this entity attack the given entity with a melee attack. Attack damage is calculated by the server from the attributes and equipment of this mob, and knockback is applied to target as appropriate.
      target - entity to attack.
    • swingMainHand

      void swingMainHand()
      Makes this entity swing their main hand. This method does nothing if this entity does not have an animation for swinging their main hand.
    • swingOffHand

      void swingOffHand()
      Makes this entity swing their off hand. This method does nothing if this entity does not have an animation for swinging their off hand.
    • setCollidable

      void setCollidable(boolean collidable)
      Set if this entity will be subject to collisions with other entities.

      Exemptions to this rule can be managed with getCollidableExemptions()

      collidable - collision status
    • isCollidable

      boolean isCollidable()
      Gets if this entity is subject to collisions with other entities.

      Some entities might be exempted from the collidable rule of this entity. Use getCollidableExemptions() to get these.

      Please note that this method returns only the custom collidable state, not whether the entity is non-collidable for other reasons such as being dead.

      collision status
    • getCollidableExemptions

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<UUID> getCollidableExemptions()
      Gets a mutable set of UUIDs of the entities which are exempt from the entity's collidable rule and which's collision with this entity will behave the opposite of it.

      This set can be modified to add or remove exemptions.

      For example if collidable is true and an entity is in the exemptions set then it will not collide with it. Similarly if collidable is false and an entity is in this set then it will still collide with it.

      Note these exemptions are not (currently) persistent.

      the collidable exemption set
    • getMemory

      @Nullable <T> T getMemory(@NotNull @NotNull MemoryKey<T> memoryKey)
      Returns the value of the memory specified.

      Note that the value is null when the specific entity does not have that value by default.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the return value
      memoryKey - memory to access
      a instance of the memory section value or null if not present
    • setMemory

      <T> void setMemory(@NotNull @NotNull MemoryKey<T> memoryKey, @Nullable T memoryValue)
      Sets the value of the memory specified.

      Note that the value will not be persisted when the specific entity does not have that value by default.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the passed value
      memoryKey - the memory to access
      memoryValue - a typed memory value
    • getCategory

      Get the category to which this entity belongs. Categories may subject this entity to additional effects, benefits or debuffs.
      the entity category
    • setInvisible

      void setInvisible(boolean invisible)
      Sets whether the entity is invisible or not.
      invisible - If the entity is invisible
    • isInvisible

      boolean isInvisible()
      Gets whether the entity is invisible or not.
      Whether the entity is invisible
    • getArrowsStuck

      int getArrowsStuck()
      Get the number of arrows stuck in this entity
      Number of arrows stuck
    • setArrowsStuck

      void setArrowsStuck(int arrows)
      Set the number of arrows stuck in this entity
      arrows - Number of arrows to stick in this entity
    • getShieldBlockingDelay

      int getShieldBlockingDelay()
      Get the delay (in ticks) before blocking is effective for this entity
      Delay in ticks
    • setShieldBlockingDelay

      void setShieldBlockingDelay(int delay)
      Set the delay (in ticks) before blocking is effective for this entity
      delay - Delay in ticks
    • getActiveItem

      @Nullable @Nullable ItemStack getActiveItem()
      Get's the item being actively "used" or consumed.
      The item. Will be null if no active item.
    • clearActiveItem

      void clearActiveItem()
      Interrupts any ongoing active "usage" or consumption or an item.
    • getItemUseRemainingTime

      int getItemUseRemainingTime()
      Get's remaining time a player needs to keep hands raised with an item to finish using it.
      Remaining ticks to use the item
    • getHandRaisedTime

      int getHandRaisedTime()
      Get how long the players hands have been raised (Charging Bow attack, using a potion, etc)
      Get how long the players hands have been raised (Charging Bow attack, using a potion, etc)
    • isHandRaised

      boolean isHandRaised()
      Whether or not this entity is using or charging an attack (Bow pulled back, drinking potion, eating food)
      Whether or not this entity is using or charging an attack (Bow pulled back, drinking potion, eating food)
    • playAnimation

      void playAnimation(@NotNull @NotNull EntityAnimation animation)
      Plays an animation for this entity to nearby clients.
      animation - the animation to play
    • getHandRaised

      @NotNull EquipmentSlot getHandRaised()
      Gets the hand raised by this living entity. Will be either EquipmentSlot.HAND or EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND.
      the hand raised
    • isJumping

      boolean isJumping()
      Get entity jump state.

      Jump state will be true when the entity has been marked to jump.

      entity jump state.
    • setJumping

      void setJumping(boolean jumping)
      Set entity jump state

      Setting to true will mark the entity to jump.

      Setting to false will unmark the entity to jump but will not stop a jump already in-progress.

      jumping - entity jump state
    • playPickupItemAnimation

      default void playPickupItemAnimation(@NotNull @NotNull Item item)
      Plays pickup item animation towards this entity.

      This will remove the item on the client.

      Quantity is inferred to be that of the Item.

      item - item to pickup
    • playPickupItemAnimation

      void playPickupItemAnimation(@NotNull @NotNull Item item, int quantity)
      Plays pickup item animation towards this entity.

      This will remove the item on the client.

      item - item to pickup
      quantity - quantity of item
    • getHurtDirection

      float getHurtDirection()
      Gets player hurt direction
      hurt direction
    • setHurtDirection

      void setHurtDirection(float hurtDirection)
      Sets player hurt direction
      hurtDirection - hurt direction